
Sex Doll Robot Has Facial Expressions and Movements

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doll sex


Sex doll robot can be controlled by the game controller

Please note that these types may lose specific body parts, such as the horizontal leg or upper body part of the breast. Finally, please note that the total cost of Japanese sex dolls purchased online will also depend on shipping costs. Overseas orders are more expensive. According to some online stores, local shipping charges may be free.

TPE sex doll look more like humans in structure and allow for more customization. “The research and development of the second generation of robot heads is currently underway, and it will be able to talk through Siri-style interactions and answer questions in the program database on the Internet.


As mentioned above, this has never been fixed in all stores, as other stores may offer the same $8,500 for mid-range and entry-level designs. The head is hand-painted with a silicone skin that is as realistic as the doll it is designed for, and can be controlled by an app or game controller and can produce a variety of facial expressions and movements.

According to the press release, the latest model of silicone sex dolls is priced at £3,495 ($4395.00), with a “exquisite metal skeleton and connection system that not only provides reliable structural support for the dolls, but (also) allows all-round movements like theirs Like a human counterpart. "If there are any signs of the video provided, then "all-round action" may be more fully automated than in the future.

Below is a list of budgets for all types of sex dolls in most online retail stores. High-end luxury dolls, these beautiful cream models have amazing features that can provide a variety of sexual experiences. Looking at most online stores, you'll find that they range in value from $2,800 to $15,000.


This doll can move her neck, follow the sound, and automate a series of actions, including flashing or nodding - even control equipment such as air conditioners or lights in the home."

Like most products, sex doll costs are different in most cases and vary from store to store. Today, there are several online retail stores that operate various types of sex dolls. You'll get a high-end design that sells at a higher price than $10,000.



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